Problemas y teorías integrales. 

(Problems and integral theories. About Strategies.)



Determinants between the natural and the artificial.

Our interpretation of what is natural and knowledge about the nature of our reality has been and is permanently limited to our relative observations from what we call science and from the common sense of our cognitive ability.

What is the "environment" - live or not live, has been changing according to new knowledge about information, physics, chemistry, natural sciences, etc. For the same reason, in the course of our history (in development or decay) the determining relation for the results of our actions depended on the adjustment:

- Induction,

-Deduction and

-Correct intelligent application to the lived historical moment.

The proper perception about the effects of our actions on the natural System,
The consequences, effects and results of our growing artificial system over the natural, ie; The creations of closed system, normative and the artificial tools of our species.
If at the beginning, in prehistory, we mystify the fire by discovering it as a source of "power"; This error, originally turned into religion later was something useful. At the beginning of "civilizations" was interpreted fire as a form of energy, and then measurable element for technological uses.

Through more specialized interpretations and applications, a complex system of advanced artificial relationships of energy and matter has been constructed, occupying large areas of the natural system.

That is, if the colonization of large geographical areas, by ethnicities or cultures not appropriate to the ecosystem of another region, resulted in the territorial conquest with its contrasts of servitude, slavery and inequality. All in the name of progress:

- A more profound and transformative phenomenon led to even more serious consequences, with the accelerated occupation and colonization of the artificial over the natural.

That is to say; Although everything that the human being constructs in the form of systems or tools obtains it, this intelligent being, of what we denominate like nature, these constructions, are most frequently anomalies within the "cosmos of the natural" and its cyclic projection Of life and evolution of life.

It is not suggested that each one go to the forest or mountains, with a less colonized or depleted nature, to begin with a minor colonization but with similar ends.

What should be understood is that our artificial creations must have clear boundaries in their interface with the natural environment.

The explanation of what is supposed to be development, is currently measured by the accumulation of ---- capital, not so our planet gives as basic resources to allow life and its continuity:

The percentage measures of the BNP are absurd when compared to the degree of depletion of basic resources and necessary for true human development and especially for the future of life, health and sustainability of the next generations.

Artificial cultures versus those close to the natural.

According to studies of the genetics of the species; No artificially manipulated species has long duration or vital sustainability.

Genetically altered spices or species subjected to a continuous artificial medium are weakened. After a few generations of "artificiality" the vitality of these "culturalized" species no longer give the expected result: It is necessary the intervention of the specialist to re-combine a wild species with the programmed for artificial culture.

A similar phenomenon is known with small isolated human populations where the genetic combination becomes so small that the abnormalities of the population increase as a result of the genetic "poverty" of the combination and the accumulation of passive and especially deformed cultural character.

The lack of logic, with respect to development advocates based solely on artificial advances, accounts for a simple but serious contradiction; The overprotected beings, are as if returned to an artificial shell:

Can a chicken be returned to the egg for further development? Even though the new "egg" has better services than the old egg. In reality, in this case, the opposite will happen, this overprotected "living entity" will have a regression in its relationship with its real and natural environment.

In particular it must be understood that everything we create does not emerge from the emptiness or from some divine command:

Our species is a product of this real and causal universe in its condition of being "nature", and being that subproduct of that which allows us life, understanding and evolution; We are a correct or incorrect result according to our interpretations and applications on what we consider PROGRESS. What is actually rather, regression and involution.

The Thermodynamic Law of Physics gives a guideline of how energy relations work for or against the vitality of life and its ability to replicate neg-entropy.

If we just deduce and interpret certain principles of what already exists as a universe and therefore create certain applications reduced; That is, entropic black boxes, its functionality and effects are and will be reductions, anomalies or defective imitations of what already exists in its integral function within that -university- of known or unknown realities, where the consequences may result, not so Only at the end of civilizations, but at the end of our species.


Is an interface possible in terms of the natural and the artificial?

It is very important to note that, human creativity is unlimited, therefore, many of the elements of the artifices created, do not necessarily go against the prospects of the sustainability of life and their ability to give rise to " Entropy ".

The problem is defined, in the need -urgent- to investigate what is the appropriate interface so that humanity can both maintain its vitality of species and future, as well as to have its technological creations, without these creations contribute to The destruction or disappearance of our species; On the contrary, lead us to a greater understanding of our physical-cosmological environment, that understanding where the knowledge society, not a commercial propaganda, but an inclusive reality.


It is not with the USD or the Euro that human survival will be measured. It will be measured in and with the capacity of the human being to make use of natural resources and keep them within the support that the "living matrix of the planet" (biosphere) and our integral or non-destructive intelligence allow.




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